Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Swearing toddlers, really? NO!!!! *shock*

Betty Boob: My brat is talking so much now - um except he now swears as well - he repeats everything we say - so then I talk in afrikaans and he copies that too -(
Tipsy Tart : (puke) OMG BB hahaha
Boss lady: whahah BB
Tipsy Tart : L has never said an afrikaans word in his life
Boss lady: ja well I seriously need to watch myself as well, my child also copies me, like when she drops something she goes OH Crap
Tipsy Tart : OMG hahah
Jaggi: My child speaks mostly afr
Tipsy Tart : OH crap is still ok better than Oh fuck
Betty Boob: My brat says everything. it's impossible to have a conversation via phone coz he copies everything and if you IGNORE him, OMG, then he screams in your face till you acknowledge him
Ditsy: HEY oh fuck's not THAT bad
Jaggi: my child just copies words at the mo...but then forgets them again
Boss lady: she said fuck once and we pretended not to hear it
Kama Sutra: when you say a swear word in our house my child will say,moenie fok se nie dis lelik en ek gaan peper in jou mond gooi even to our friends, very embarresing
Ditsy: My child now says oh fudge
Jaggi: Well taught K!
Boss lady: lol cute
Kama Sutra: cause I put pepper in he's mouth once and he hasn't said a swear word since
Betty Boob: I just ignore it
Boss lady: except to tell u not to say it
Tipsy Tart : My child luckily doesn’t swear, he doesn’t know shit is ugly - I only told him recently bwah
Betty Boob: OMG he said FUCK at the lunch table - DH's sister almost died wanted to dig a hole for myself
Boss lady: whahahah
Tipsy Tart : OMG BB well-done haha -what a proud moment man
Kama Sutra: and what did you do
Tipsy Tart : why - I would laugh my ass off
Betty Boob: nothing, she was like WHAT DID HE SAY??? so I was like "FORK" - he sometimes can't pronounce it properly, damn I lie so well
Kama Sutra: great come back
Jaggi: :good cover-up!!! I would've cracked myself!
Kama Sutra: I also laugh when my child swears but I know that will only make him do it more because he thinks he's getting attention
Tipsy Tart : I would’ve just said 'no my child, that a big person word"
Boss lady: Faulty, my child told me this morning that I am a silly nana
Tipsy Tart : OMG B DONT LIE my child tells me everyday I’m a silly banana

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